OSA Client Libraries

Also referred to as OSA App Libraries, these are library calls that aid in interfacing from a client application to an OCE. This is general documentation for use developing language specific libraries with the intention of keeping all language calls to these libraries as consistent as possible withing the constraints of each individual language.


It is recommended that libraries developed to these provided descriptions be developed as object classes as permitted by the chosen language. This documentation is written from the perspective of class structures that are maintained within objects and writing supporting code from that perspective will help assure consistency of use across languages.

Message Data Storage

Data is stored within the class object as a raw data structure that does reflect the exact structure of the USDS. Additional data structures may also be maintained withing the base class. As an example, in the Perl client class, the $class{'msg'} structure holds the formal USDS message structure, and the $class{'Data'} structure holds default data used if key fields of a message are left blank and are retained even if the entire message itself is purged from memory. $class{'Data'} only survives the destruction of the message, not the destruction of the entire class object. The different methods of the class object understand the internal structure and manipulate it according to the operation being requested of them. The sendMsg method translates the the entirety of all internally stored data structure values into a standard USDS message and then sends it to the OCE designated within the message.

Configuration Files

The "Base" class operates from 2 configurations files. The files are generally named for the application itself, but can be any name chosen by the application developer.

Application configuration file

This configuration file is optional and an available tool for developer use during application registration to provide a minimum of the key values necessary to accommodate application registration.

OCE connection file

This configuration file is not optional and is written out by the OSA "Base" class "register" method upon successful registration of the application. This file is then available for reference every time the client application starts (or any time thereafter) to access critical information like the AppId id provided by the OCE at registration time and the IP address of the OCE with which the application is registered.

Specific Calls

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