OSA Development

This page is dedicated to developer tools and considerations. The headers of each section are links to details for that section.

Source Code Control

The Fautore project and all related OSA libraries are managed under SVN on local servers.

Client Libraries

There are a set of standard OSA standard libraries defined to be consistent across all languages used to write clients that interface to the OCE.These libraries mainly aid in the construction, sending, receiving and parsing of interactions with the OCE. This section provides information by which these libraries are constructed. See the individual languages below regarding implementation documentation specific to those languages.


Perl is the native language of the initial OSA/OCE prototype, Fautore. The Fautore OCE, associated modules and application client modules are all written in Perl. Perl was chosen because it runs everywhere, is designed to process data efficiently and it is the language common to the developers starting out the development. Given that data is at the heart of what Fautore does, Perl was a natural fit.


The PHP language is currently implemented as a client library set to act as an interface between websites and the OCE. The intention here is to facilitate a means of projecting data outward from the OCE to a controlled platform. For example, one may wish to snap a picture with their iPhone and send it to their OCE that routes it to the gallery of a personal website for friend and family to see. Another use case would be the authoring of a WebLog entry on an iPad that is sent to the OCE for posting to a public journal.