PHP Library Notes

This page contains information specific to the OSA PHP Client libraries.


The example Perl methods for the client library development rely a great deal on custom functions to obtain a great deal of control over the data structures development and passing mechanisms. Much of the code is intertwined. There is an active project to create a more modular structure that enables the minimum processing to be a clearly defined path and additional functions to be available as a courtesy to simplify OAS interaction for those willing to sacrifice some control.

This document exists to help transition the Perl code to to this particular language.


The Perl OSA Client currently intermixes message construction actions with message sending actions. Work is underway to segregate these action. It is highly recommended any new coding efforts to develop other standard client libraries separate these activities from the start.

For example, assembling the OSA message content should be one discrete activity. Defining the standard message header should be another discrete header. These constructs should then be passed to a transmission function that actually sends the message.


References recommended to help develop Client libraries in this language that adhere to the guidelines presented in this document.

Socket Management ExplanationA description of how sockets are managed in PHP
Socket Management ExamplesPHP code illustrating how to open a listener socket on a server and how to connect to the listener from a client.