Personal Operations Domain

A Personal Operations Domain defines the boundaries within which direct API communnication with an OCE can occur. It is within the operational domain that data is passed directly to other applications. Any entity not installed to the Personal Operations Domain must receive passed data via standard OCE-to-OCE communications.

Base POD

The base OCE personal operational domain is defined by two factors:

  1. Any compute resource installed on the same LAN as the running OCE instance.
  2. Any compute resource hosted within the same Internet domain as the running OCE instance.

This is the minimum criteria for defining a POD and the maximum definition a POD should have upon installation.

Extended POD

A POD may be optionally extended by a defining OCE. Extending a POD is to define additional IP addresses, subnet or domains that are considered "trusted" by the OCE. A freshly installed OCE must never define POD extensions as opt-out. Extensions are defined by the POD owner. Predefined extensions may be provided, but must be opt-in for the OCE to be OSA compliant.
A diagram illustrating the function of an extended POD definition.