fauSendFile Downloads

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We create a new table for each major software release. Each release is currently considered beta as we continue to flesh out OSA details and develop the Fautore OCE to be compliant to OSA.

General Strategy

SendFile is dependent upon the OSA Perl libraries which are not yet ready for general distribution through CPAN. For this reason only compiled system specific versions of SendFile are being made available. The compiled release include the OSA module libraries in them and do not require the modules to be independently installed.

Main Versioning

The SendFile versioning strategy and below information table are explained here.

The version number template is


General availability full OSA compliant version number. Currently assumed to be zero until we finalize the OSA standards.
This is in affect our 'major' number until OSA standards are finalized and the SendFile App becomes fully compliant. Each new beta release will increment this number. All beta releases are full releases.
An incremental beta release to provide fixes and minor new features. All minor releases are full releases.
Highest number patch included in this full code release.

Version Table Headers

A quick explanation of the version table headers.

Um, yeah. The version of the software. (see "Main Versioning" above)
The intended runtime environment for the release. The OS and tested version will appear here. "Native" means it is OS independent native Perl code.
A link to the release notes for the given version.

Patch Versioning

Patch releases fix specific problems and are partial code releases related only to the fix being implemented. A full installation must already exist before a patch can be applied. Path are number sequentially and appear in the last position of regular release numbers indicating the highest patch level included in that release. Patches are not cumulative and each must be applied independently.

Patch Table Headers

A quick explanation of the patch table headers.

Sequential number of each patch. Sequence numbers reset with each beta release. Minor releases do not reset patch number sequencing.
The intended runtime environment for the release. The OS and tested version will appear here. "Native" means it is OS independent native Perl code.
A very short summary statement for what is fixed by this patch.
A link to the release notes for the given version.

Version 0.1.0

Complete version install
Version Platform Notes Mint Release Notes
Patches: Specific fixes
Version Platform Fix Notes
No Patches Needed Yet