

The AppId attribute of the USDS dffers from the AppKey in that the AppKey is OCE assigned to the application by the OCE at registration time and the AppId is assigned prior to registration by the software developer for communicating to the OCE at registration time. The AppKey ensures the app is uniquely identified across all apps installed to the OCE. The AppId is used to identify commonly installed application across OCEs.


The AppId is used to facilitate the mechanism for default routing of a qMsg to the same application on the receiving end as that which the data originated if there are no other OCE member defined instructions routing the message otherwise.

Demand (opt)

This OSA USDS characteristic is supported as an end user convenience feature. OCE support of this feature is optional because absence of AppId construct definitions does not impact the core routing or data safeguarding functionalities of OSA.


The AppId is a two field colon (:) separated value. The first of the two fields is the functional group of the application. The second of the two fields defines the application specific name. The colon must always be present.
Note: Appgroup and AppName are only descriptive text for the type of data value to be place and not actual keywords.

"AppId" : "{Application Group}:{Application Name}"

Example - AppGroup and AppName
"AppId" : "SMTP:AppXYZ"

Example - AppName only
"AppId" : ":AppXYZ"

Example - AppGroup only
"AppId" : "SMTP:"

Field - Application Group

The application group is used to categorically group aplications that understand the data content and construct requirements of the application group. If only a group is supplied to the "AppId" USDS data element, any application that has registered in the recipient OCE with the same AppGroup is a candidate for default routing of the qMsg. To be clear, any app, regardless of it's group designation, can receive the qMsg as directed by OCE instructions. The AppId only defines how default message processing should

Field - Application Name

The application name is defined by the application developer and does not change until the the developer chooses to change it with a subsequent application release. This field is used to specifically identify the application as the originator of a qMesg so that the message can be easily routed to the same application at the destination OCE.

Currently Defined Application Groups

The list of defined application groups is quite small. The Application Group, indeed the entire AppId construct is really of any real use in supporting developed applications that use the "Adjunct" data element of the USDS structure. All other elements of the structure function according to well defined standards and any recipient application should be able to handle received data regardless of what application sent the data. Data in the "Adjunct" data element is freeform and can be taylored to be very aplpication specific. Setting the "AppId" data elements, especially the "AppName" field provides a means of ensuring any application specific data of the adjunct field is routed to an application that understand the data provided in the "Adjunct" USDS structure element. Typically the adjunct element shuold carry only configuration type data with the main data cargo being stored in the "Summary," "Detail" and "Object" USDS data elements thereby ensuring the primary data is available to any application regardless of source aplpication of defined application group. There are currently not a lot of applications with such a strict dependency on the Adjunct field as to warrent defining an AppId.
Any application capable of processing an complete SMTP email format as passed in the Adjunct field.

Seven steps to using the Internet in privacy as a respected Netizen.
  1. Perspective
  2. Search
  3. Email
  4. Social Security
  5. Have Presence
  6. Take Control
  7. Break The Ties


Steve: Fautore is now released and available to our registered Alpha participants!
Steve: Fautore 5.3.0 is now released and includes dynamically updated stats reporting!
Steve: Fautore FILES.pm patch is up on the site. Thanks for the inputs. Keep it coming. We'll make Fautore a reality together.