
Fautore Apps

The following apps are intended to be OSA compliant OCE/USDP compliant upon completion. The OSA specification is still evolving so they cannot yet be considered compatible per-say.


The apps in the this section are are operational expected to be compliant up to the latest spec definition.

App Version Release Description
fauSendFile Auto-send files when dropped in a directory
fauMMSSMS Send text messages from your OCE
fauSMTP Send OCE message from your Email client


The apps in this section are in various stages of development

App Status Release Description
oceDB Requirements Runs local to OCE server to record data passed to it to a queriable DB.
oceOC Requirements An ownCloud agent to transfer passed message to ownCloud for storage as a file or calendar entry.
oceTiki Requirements A Tiki agent to pass data back and forth from a Tiki web site as WeBLog data, calendar data, forum data, etc...
oceMDat Requirements Mobile data management and transfer client
oceMAdmin Requirements Mobile OCE administration

The Big Goals

This list represents examples of where we see this technology going as a means of continuing the path forward bringing the power of digital interaction to the individual while keep the control of transferred information with that same individual. These goals will absolutely require partnering with leaders in a wide range of industries.

Name Status Description Notes
GPS 0 An OSA enable client application that can send live GPS data to the OCE via a VPN connection. Exercises far remote capabilities sending data across VPN. Useful to broadcast fellow party goers your proxmity to destination.
Car Report 0 OSA enabled car reports travel status per trip and current car health, such as oil level upon entering home WiFi range. Could also send live data via phone. Keep accurate trip and travel records. Ability to send ID of drivers sync'ed phone also allows for keeping tabs on personal driving habits.
HVAC 0 Send home atmospheric data to log at regular intervals for reporting. Can be taken to deep levels with sensor in all rooms of the house, or simply enable by having furnace, A/C and thermostat units report in to OCE.
Appliance 0 OSA enabled appliance producing health reporths for logging and reporting. Good communication medium for requesting and reporting appliance status. Did I turn the stove off before leaving? I better start the oven preheat before we get home if dinner is going to be ready in time.

Seven steps to using the Internet in privacy as a respected Netizen.
  1. Perspective
  2. Search
  3. Email
  4. Social Security
  5. Have Presence
  6. Take Control
  7. Break The Ties


Steve: Fautore is now released and available to our registered Alpha participants!
Steve: Fautore 5.3.0 is now released and includes dynamically updated stats reporting!
Steve: Fautore FILES.pm patch is up on the site. Thanks for the inputs. Keep it coming. We'll make Fautore a reality together.