
Instruction Data Definition

The Recipient selection field of the Instruction Data Definition screen is dependent on the "Act_Recips" table for acquiring a list of instruction recipients associated with the Instruction currently being processed. This table has a column to hold a key for each possible type of recipient. These columns are nullable, however at least one column must have a value. These types have precedence in how they are presented.

Data Definition Precedence Table

The below table lists the possible recipient type and their associated precedence. A value of 0 is low and 4 is high.

Type Precedence Comments
Tribe 0 Lowest precedence. The tribe must be the only recipient value defined in the data row to appear in the recipients dropdown of the data definition screens.
Coterie 1 Coterie is displayed whether or not there is a tribe key value, but only if no higher precedence value is is defined in the same data row.
Group 2 Group is displayed whether or either Tribe or Coterie are defined, but only if no higher precedence key is defined in the same data row.
Tribe_Member 3 Member is displayed anytime it is defined, unless a Commons is erroneously also defined.
Commons 4 Not yet implemented. Commons is always the row value displayed if it is defined. The commons is a subscription only recipient that is always stored to the local OCE. Only a tribe key is acceptable to be stored with a Commons key to support cased of a remote OCE requesting push notifications of a new commons entry. This feature is reasonable to stub in.
Function - Not yet implemented. This will be an "in addition to" action call that will take place prior to sending to the recipient as a means of applying in-line manipulation to to messages. This feature could resize photos for web posting or purify text for child recipients.This may change to "Plugin". This feature is likely to move from being an actual recipient to being a data modifier assignment to a recipient. Best not to implement in screens yet.

Recipient Dropdown


Pulled from each respective table to which the highest precedence key belongs. The key(s) pulled from the Act_Recips table are used to pull the human readable label from the master table for the key. TribeName would, for example, be pulled from Tribe base on the "Tribe" key value stored in the Act_Recips table. TribeName would then be used as the dropdown label in the Recipients dropdown.
The below table illustrates the label sources for each Act_Recips key type column.

Key Source Table Source Column Label Column
Tribe Tribe TribeKey TribeName
Coterie Coterie CID CotName
Group Group GID GroupName
Tribe_Member User UID UserName
Commons Not yet implemented.
Function Not yet Implemented.


Is alway the highest precedence key value of the data row in Act_Recips.

Additional Notes

If a drag and drop strategy is implmented each icon representing a recipient should display the label for every defined key, separated by colons(:), in order of precedence. Order of display should be left to right, lowest to highest. This information should also be somehow made available from the dropdown strategy as well, perhaps as the dropdown label itself.

Seven steps to using the Internet in privacy as a respected Netizen.
  1. Perspective
  2. Search
  3. Email
  4. Social Security
  5. Have Presence
  6. Take Control
  7. Break The Ties


Steve: Fautore is now released and available to our registered Alpha participants!
Steve: Fautore 5.3.0 is now released and includes dynamically updated stats reporting!
Steve: Fautore FILES.pm patch is up on the site. Thanks for the inputs. Keep it coming. We'll make Fautore a reality together.