
OSA Message Codes

The below tables represent the minimum OSA codes that must be handled by an OSA compliant OCE or application. Additional codes can be added to an implementation, however the positive nature of codes above zero and negative nature of code below zero must not be violated.

MsgNum  MsgId   Mesg
1       MSGRCVD Message received
2       DATSAV  Data saved
3       MSGSENT Message sent
4       QPROC   Queue request processed
5       NULLSET No data found
7       REQPROC Request processed successfully
50      MULTSUCCAll multi-responses are successful

MsgNum  MsgId   Mesg
0       INTERR  Unknown internal OCE error
-1      INVOCE  Invalid OCE ID
-2      INVAPP  Invalid Application ID (Is application registered?)
-3      INVMBR  Invalid Fautore Tribe Member
-4      INVCOT  Invalid Coterie (does not exist or no access)
-5      NOKEY   Tribe or application key must be provided
-6      INVDAT  Invalid data structure could not be processed
-7      INVTYP  Invalid message type.
-8      PEND    Attempt to use a feature pending action such as approval
-9      PERM    Permission error
-10     INVKEY  Invalid Key
-11     INVPASS Invalid password
-13     KILL    Terminate communication immediately
-14     PODEXT  Illegal reference outside POD
-15     NODEF   No default instruction defined
-16     INVGRP  Invalid Group (does not exist or no access)
-50     MULTFAILMulti-response has at least one failure
-100    INVFUNC Invalid function call passed to Fautore JSON server
-101    EMPTY   Message received with no content
-102    INVMSG  Invalid/garbled message request - Error unknown
-103    FUNCERR An error occurred running requested function
-104    NOAPP   Attempt made to access/use an unregistered app
-105    OCEAPP  Remot OCE id and APP id combination not allowed
-106    DUPKEY  Duplicate message key
-107    LOOP    Message already received
-108    GAVEUP  Allowable retry count exceeded. No longer trying to send message
-109    NOAUTH  Application registered, but not authorized for use
-200    NOACC   This OCE does not accept this type of request
-500    WARN    WARNING: Possible problem.
-1000   NOCONN  Communications failure, can't connect
-10000  NOSAV   Data save to DB failed
-10001  DBERR   Internal DB Error: 
Seven steps to using the Internet in privacy as a respected Netizen.
  1. Perspective
  2. Search
  3. Email
  4. Social Security
  5. Have Presence
  6. Take Control
  7. Break The Ties


Steve: Fautore is now released and available to our registered Alpha participants!
Steve: Fautore 5.3.0 is now released and includes dynamically updated stats reporting!
Steve: Fautore FILES.pm patch is up on the site. Thanks for the inputs. Keep it coming. We'll make Fautore a reality together.