Fautore Documentation

This documentation is written to describe the Fautore social network paradigm. There is one fundamental principle behind the Fautore design. Your data is your property and nobody's business but your own and those you want to have access to it.


Fautore is one tool created to demonstrate the concepts of a decentralized social Internet. It is not a tool intended to be the do all, end all of online socializing. Fautore is in fact a concept of communicating online the way we do in person, with confidence in people we trust. The tool defined in these documents is one way of implementing a common set of standards that, when embraced by other software developers, will make everything we do today possible with control of our data remaining where it belongs - with its owner.

The Current Problem

The social network is a wonderful thing. The technology of today has brought us to a point where we can communicate almost like two (or more) people in a room, no no matter how far apart those people. Unfortunately, the architecture being put into place to support this wondrous phenomenon is moving forward with designs increasingly geared toward profit and less toward true social benefit. In short, the price of participating is putting your life on display like a duck hanging in a Chinese restaurant window. Anyone who participates in today's social network architecture turns ownership of everything they say, do, or present over to someone else. The worst part is that the participant on display really doesn't even know who's watching.

The Fautore Solution

The Fautore solution is built on top of the OSA Standard to architect a social Internet that functions like we do, by keeping our information to ourselves and sharing only what we choose with the people we know and trust. Now that the social experiment has proven a success by showing the world what can be done when we are all connected, it's time to move beyond the prototype that fell together and construct something with a plan founded on an environment we can trust.

Fautore Summarized

This tool we call "Fautore" is, at its heart, an information broker that takes data from well known sources and sends it to well known destinations, all while storing the information itself wherever you feel safest. Fautore is a product of the advocate principle of representing a customer/client in their own best interest. The following pages are under development, and they likely always will be, as we intend for this process to evolve endlessly.

Our roadmap is fluid. The project is much larger than Fautore alone. There is more work than there are hands doing it. More hands are always welcome.

Operational Principles

The principles of Fautore are all around the notion of maintaining a personal network of information outsde of Public Centrallized Repositories. Information should be communicated securely, visible only to it's intended audience and used only for its intended purposes. This all intended to happen with the same level of trust in the information destination as one would have in a normal conversation. We call this "Social Normalcy

Social Normalcy
Social normalcy is that communication we do every day where we have a reasonable expectation what we tell someone face to face will be treated with respect and, if shared, will be shared in the context the information it was originally provided.
Online services that depend on your data for their survival would have you believe that because it is impossible to achieve absolute data security, with a guarantee shared data will never end up in unintended hands, that we should simply turn our data over to whatever abuses they deem fit. This is roughly equivalent to saying that because you will never raise perfect children you should just turn them over to gangs and drug lords now.
Just as "perfection" is a direction to head in seeking the goal of "execellence", like walking toward the morning sun to arrive at a destination to the East, absolute data privacy only is a direction to walk on the way to a realistic goal of social normalcy, a goal unatainable using a "pay with your privacy" business model.


In concept, information should be passed in a manner more in tune with real world human conversation by being communicated only to parties trusted to use the information strictly as intended, to keep the information in confidence or pass it on to others in a manner respectful of the information source. In this way communications occur more naturally, via a network reaching outward from the source in an environment controlled only by the social paradigm of the individual, rather than being at the whims of untrusted third parties carrying their information with vaguely defined intentions beyond simply delivering a message.

The Fautore "rules of conduct" provide the basis for Fautore operations:

  • Communication is either directly with an individual, or another Fautore managed tribe.
  • Fautore traffics and caches information, but does not act as a persistent data store for anything but operational data, such as logs.
  • Long term storage and data presentation is accomplished by passing data to other applications within Fautore's operational domain.
  • Fautore can receive data from applications within the operational domain.

Today's myriad of technologies does present grey areas needing to be resolved as to where exactly they fit in the Fautore operational principles. It is an ongoing and evolving process determining how Fautore is to interface with the world around it.


This section is for software under development. Please see the Usage Guide for the current Fautore installation instructions.

The Fautore installation is an evolving aspect of the code at the moment. In the current alpha form it is really just a matter of copying the code checked out of source control into some location on storage, then running it. Eventually the installation will be a more automated strategy for placing the software into consistent locations across operating systems.


These operation are intended to be inherent in the Fautore functionality

Functionality Description
Fautore APIs An implementation of the USDP
Fautore Communicator Simple chat client for communication between to participants
Fautore Commons A means of creating a subscription group spanning multiple tribes
Fautore Coterie A means of establishing "operational zones" owned/managed by tribal members
Fautore Groups Collections of tribal participants that send and receive communications through tribal rules
Fautore InBox Program that receives and verifies inbound JSON (currently called fautoreJSON.pl as a working name)
Fautore Installer Details for configuring platform specific Fautore installations
Fautore Marks Basically another name for "likes" or "+1" notations. People can make their marks.
Fautore Signals Third party tool communication management and messaging (currently referred to conceptually as the Fautore message engine)
Fautore Secure Transport Encrypted communication between two fautore points
Fautore Tribes Social circle management, group definitions, master control of who can see what


Conceived OCE applications and their status in development

  • 0 - Concept only
  • 1 - Coding has started
  • 2 - Functioning
  • 3 - Released/Useable
Name Status Description Notes
SMTP 3 SMTP server that can send to either conventional email addresses, or direct messages through the OCE Opens possibilities for any email client to become a content autoring platform for any application that can receive OSA messages.
fauMMSSMS 3 MMS (Multimedia Message Service) are an evolution from Short Message Service (SMS) communications that also allow for the communication of image, video an sound data. This application would allow for outbound communication of MMS. MMS must only be sent to registered members to be compliant.
File Routing 3 Application that is local to any computer in the POD that sends files dropped into a previously configured directory to the OCE for routing. This implements an example of an application an a remote host and exercise POD reenforcement.
GPS 0 An OSA enable client application that can send live GPS data to the OCE via a VPN connection. Exercises far remote capabilities sending data across VPN. Useful to broadcast fellow party goers your proxmity to destination.
Car Report 0 OSA enabled car reports travel status per trip and current car health, such as oil level upon entering home WiFi range. Could also send live data via phone. Keep accurate trip and travel records. Ability to send ID of drivers sync'ed phone also allows for keeping tabs on personal driving habits.
HVAC 0 Send home atmospheric data to log at regular intervals for reporting. Can be taken to deep levels with sensor in all rooms of the house, or simply enable by having furnace, A/C and thermostat units report in to OCE.
Appliance 0 OSA enabled appliance producing health reporths for logging and reporting. Good communication medium for requesting and reporting appliance status. Did I turn the stove off before leaving? I better start the oven preheat before we get home if dinner is going to be ready in time.

Additional Documentation

Document Description
Fautore Database Documentation describing Fautore database use
Fautore Database Diagram Fautore ERD illustrating the database layout.
Fautore Database SQL Complete set of Fautore database create statements.
Fautore DB Help Helpful information to make interacting with the Fautore database easier.
Fautore Instructions The Fautore instruction screen definition documentation
Fautore Structure Diagram illustrating the relationship of the Fautore internals.
Implementation Plan A general road map for building out the Fautore tool. No associates dates - life is just too unpredictable for such nonsense.
Build Instructions for building a Fautore release.
Fautore Sys Config Description of the Fautore system configurations management strategy